by - January 17, 2016



     Water is one of the Panch Mahabhuta or the 5 elements of Nature.  “The whole universe is made up of water. All beings are made up of water". Water is pure by nature and it has the capacity to purify everything. It is the most important element for life second only to Air. There is no substitute for water. Water covers three-fourths of the surface of the Earth. The human body is 75% water, while the brain alone comprises of 85% water. The blood, consisting of 92% water.

The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water.  Water forms the basis of blood, digestive juices, urine and perspiration, and it's present in lean muscle, fat and bones.

As the body can’t store water, we need fresh supplies every day to make up for losses from the lungs, skin, urine and faeces . The amount we need depends on our body size, metabolism, the weather, the food we eat and our activity levels.


We all know, that we should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. It quenches our thirst on the first hand, but are we aware of the hidden facts behind drinking water?

Here are the top 10 health benefits of drinking water.

Flushes Out Toxins

Water is an excellent detoxifier as it helps flush out toxins from your body and get rid of waste primarily through sweat and urine.
It also promotes kidney function and reduces kidney stones by diluting the salts and minerals in urine that cause kidney stones.

Relieves Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration.
When there is less water in the body, there is a drop of blood volume which causes the heart to work harder to pump oxygenated blood out in the bloodstream, and other major organs also work less efficiently.
Thus, drinking adequate water can help your body function better and reduce fatigue.

Boosts Immune System 

Drinking good amount of water everyday helps increase our immune system  and helps us to stay healthy. Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments like heart attacks.

Treats Headaches and Migraines

If you have a headache or migraine, the first thing that you can do to get some relief is drink plenty of water. Headaches and migraines are often caused by dehydration.

Helps in Digestion and Constipation

Water also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This helps in digestion and prevents constipation. Inadequate water in the body often results in constipation as the colon pulls water from the stools to maintain hydration, thereby making them harder and difficult to pass.
Drinking sufficient water boosts your metabolism and helps the body properly break down food. This helps your digestive system work well and promotes regular bowel movements. Warm water, in particular, is good for digestive health.

Regulates Body Temperature

An ample amount of water in the body also helps regulate body temperature. The thermal properties of water helps the body release heat as sweat. This greatly helps maintain an even body temperature.
A well-regulated body temperature also will make you feel more energetic when exercising. Water also helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, thus preventing cramps and sprains.

Aids Weight Loss

Drinking water prior to meals can help suppress appetite and hence support your weight loss efforts. When you drink water, it fills your stomach and reduces the tendency to eat more.
It also helps increase the rate at which the body burns fat, and promotes the breakdown and elimination of fat cells.

 Prevent Hangovers

A hangover refers to the unpleasant symptoms experienced after drinking alcohol. Alcohol is a diuretic, so it makes you lose more water than you take in. This can lead to dehydration. Although dehydration is not the main cause of hangovers, it can cause symptoms like thirst, fatigue, headache and dry mouth.
A good way to reduce hangovers is to drink a glass of water between drinks, and to have at least one big glass of water before going to bed.

Promotes Healthy Skin

Water keeps the body well hydrated and improves capillary blood flow, which promotes healthier and younger-looking skin. Water helps replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases the elasticity in your skin.
When the body gets enough water, your skin will feel moisturized and it will look fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Also, water helps prevent and treat soft lines, scars, acne, wrinkles and other aging symptoms.

Beats Bad Breath

Bad breath is a clear sign that you may not be drinking sufficient water. It keeps your mouth moist and washes away food particles and bacteria. It also dilutes the smelly compounds that oral bacteria create.
So, drink sufficient water and also rinse your mouth with water, especially after having a meal or snack to control odors and remove bacteria and food debris stuck between your teeth and gum line.

          It is essential to make necessary efforts to drink adequate amount of water daily. To derive the various health benefits of water, make sure to drink filtered water. Though you need to drink adequate amount of water throughout the day, experts warn against drinking too much water as it may reduce our kidneys’ ability to filter out waste. Thus, it is recommended to drink the amount of water your body requires. As the amount of water required by the body tends to differ from one person to another, it is usually suggested to drink to your thirst, and also include other fluids and foods with high water content in your diet.


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